Risk management (FRM) documents / recent updates of my investigation towards FRM, CDO, CDS and derivatives

Hello everybody,

I have been busy recently and I didn’t have enough time to update my blog. Please however be aware that I printed several documents about FRM (Financial Risk Management) documents, basel regulation know in French as “réglementations Bâle 2, Bâle 3 documents provided by a friend (former employee of a consulting firm) living in Paris. And a master course about finance market as well as “une présentation des ordres de bourse” from the French online bank Boursorama. I hold shares, stocks and equities thanks to Boursorama, mostly Natixis and Eurotunnel. I am not fond of football, but given a piece of advice from my uncle, I became recently a shareholder of the local football club in my town, Lyon, known as “l’olympique lyonnais”.

More than never you need to understand that my will to master FRM skills remain important. No way I will abandon my aims. I also have a project of company to export french alimentary high quality goods to the republic of Moldova. I will find time to read and work on FRM skills soon.


Stock markets has been quite volatile these days given turmoils in the Shanghaï stock market. I didn’t always keep track on any international development of worldwide finance since I don’t always have the time to do so.

Thus, be aware that I don’t intend to abandon my website. I don’t have the right to upload and share documents about basel regulations because my friend is currently trying to sue his former employer. But the time will come.

FRM is kind of worldwide recognized certification for risk managers (brokers, traders). It seems to be very interesting. More interesting than Satyatis Das Books about derivatives and structured products. Of course, unfortunately, a strong backgroung in mathematics is required to understand all equations published in this manual.

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